If your child(ren) is going to be absent you can email our office at to let us know.
Attendance Policy:
Every school day counts in a student’s academic life. A missed school day is a missed opportunity to learn. Students are expected to be at school unless there is a reasonable excuse not to be in attendance.
Examples include:
- Personal illness
- Illness or death in the family
- Necessary appointments that cannot be made outside the school day
- Obligatory religious observances of the student's own faith
- Participation in a school approved student activity
- Personal matters*
- Emergencies requiring a student's service or presence at home *
- Family vacations arranged in advance with the school administration*
*A student absent from school due to personal matters, home emergencies, and/or family vacation is allowed ten (10) excused absences per school year. A parent requesting additional excused absences above this limitation may submit a Parent/Guardian Request for Student Absence to the school administrator.
Please be advised that at any point when school officials feel that excessive absences for any reason are adversely affecting a student's academics and learning progress, administration may request a meeting with parents and the student. This discussion will explore the causes of the excused/unexcused absences and determine what interventions may be necessary to improve the student's well-being, and/or academic and learning progression. School administration or their designees are authorized to request evidence from parents to verify reasons of excessive absences. Please note that excused vs. unexcused absences will be at the discretion of the school administration.
Parents/ Guardians are asked to keep ill students at home. Examples of illnesses that should keep your student home may include, but are not limited to:
- Contagious diseases – such as measles, mumps, chicken pox, pink eye and influenza.
- Skin rashes – especially if the cause is unknown or if accompanied by fever or drainage. (may require Dr. note to verify that the student is not contagious)
- Head lice infestation that has not yet been treated with an anti-parasitic shampoo. One day of absence will be excused. See more about head lice under Health Office Policies.
- Fever – students with an oral temperature of 100.0 or greater should be kept home until they have been fever free without medication for 24 hours.
- Vomiting – students who vomit must stay home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting.
It is our expectation that students who become sick at school are to be picked up within 30 minutes of receiving our call unless arrangements have been made with the principal.
Please notify the nurse if your child will need accommodations due to a recent illness or injury.
We are required to keep your child “officially” enrolled at Quail Run until we are notified of your enrollment by your child’s new school. If we are not notified within 2 weeks, we are required to file Truancy with DCF. Please make sure you enroll promptly at your new school and that you ask them to contact us to verify your enrollment.