The Annual Student Registration is now open!
This process, which is separate from student course enrollment, is required for all students except current 2022 seniors. Our schools rely on this information for staffing and effective planning for next year. Annual Student Registration also enables families to indicate whether your student(s) will return to the district next year, verify your contact information, update your student's health history, consider consents for field trips and surveys, and review and acknowledge that you have received annual parent notices.
The deadline to complete the Annual Student Registration is April 1, 2022
How do I get started?
1) Create your PowerSchool parent/guardian portal account. (If you already have an account, please skip to Step 3)
2) Connect your student(s) to your account by using the student access code(s) and password(s) provided by your school. (If you misplaced or did not receive them, please contact your child's school or send an email with your children's names to to request access codes and passwords.
3) Log in to your parent powerschool access account and complete 2022-2023 Annual Student Registration. Find detailed instructions here:
Once you complete the online form for your first student, the form will pre-populate information for each subsequent student for your review and any necessary changes. Find simple instructions for completing the steps outlined below at
If you have questions or need assistance, our school office staff are ready to assist you or you may call our Technology Help Desk at 785-330-HELP (4357) or the Enrollment Center at 785-330-1921.